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Unionmould holds EXCEL skills improvement training

On January 14th, to enhance the Excel skills of office personnel and improve work efficiency, relevant personnel from Unionmould went to Taizhou Vocational College of Science and Technology to participate in specialized Excel skills training. Image

This training was personally conducted by Principal Huang from Chunhua Education. He combined the daily office problems and pain points encountered by enterprise employees to explain the basic operation knowledge and commonly used skills of Excel in a clear and straightforward manner. For example, positioning techniques, batch filling techniques, text sorting techniques, split column techniques, and the use of pivot tables. Through a teaching method that allowed students to learn while practicing, Principal Huang made everyone feel very fulfilled. Although the day's training ended, everyone still felt like they wanted more.


Excel is one of the most commonly used office software by office personnel. Whether it's for statistical reports or data analysis summaries, it's used extensively. A person with high proficiency in Excel can not only improve their work efficiency but also help the company achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement. So, lifelong learning is a journey we are always on.

